My friend Nigel over at Zenologue posted a challenge today and of course I took it up….
Regarding New Years resolutions and why they fail turned into this challenge: what three words will help propel you through 2014? Three words. Three ideas. Three goals. Three definitions.
Mine are savor, engage and explore.
Savor: to engage and enjoy the moment right in front of me. I tend to look ahead and think about all the things I need and want to do while not allowing the present to get in. In the past I’ve missed a lot of personal and social interactions and I’ve missed important business information by not listening to a clients needs…I was thinking too far ahead. That’s not to say I don’t plan but I could do with more attention to the moment.
Engage: one of my long term goals is to teach and speak publicly. While I’ve accomplished both of these goals since 2003, I’d like more consistency throughout a given year. I savor the times when I’m helping others get a leg up on the technology and techniques the industry in general and that I specifically use to advance my artistic and business goals…not necessarily in that order. Currently I’ve three opportunities so 2014 is working out so far…
Explore: probably the hardest one of the three for me in that it requires reading, writing and using new applications. I’m not a great student as I have dyslexia, (I’m left handed after all) and although I do better as a hand-ons learner there’s a lot to be said for just reading up on stuff…I will do more.
That’s it. Simple. Direct. Focused.
What are your words for 2014? Use the comment box below.
Thanks for reading.
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