The Marriage of Stills and Motion
A cinemagraph is the marriage of a single still photograph and either a real time video or a time-lapse video. Or both... The technique of combining still photography with a…
A cinemagraph is the marriage of a single still photograph and either a real time video or a time-lapse video. Or both... The technique of combining still photography with a…
It’s the motion that makes me do what I do. As anyone who reads my blog…(both of you, where ever you are, thanks!), you know that after 31 years as a still photographer, I switched to time lapse in 2011. It’s what I specialize in now and as part of that specialization, motion control is a huge part of what I do for you. Done while in the field during principal photography, (but sometimes or in addition to), motion control can also be done in post production:
password: post-effects
The definition of cool under fire, this is one quality you definitely want your professional photographer to possess when commissioning a time lapse project. Especially if your project is located at a construction site with heavy equipment moving about. Safety first is crucial of course but the dynamic nature of medium and large scale construction sites guarantee that unexpected opportunities arise and as a time lapse specialist who spends a lot of time on site, I’m present to time lapse those unexpected moments, danger notwithstanding.
I'll be appearing at the Los Angeles Center for Photography on March 19 for a talk about the ideas behind producing a time lapse narrative short film. Come on down…
Thank you Kat Ward and Hometown Pasadena... Interview with Michael e. Stern, local time lapse expert.
As more construction time lapse projects come into my office that require long term self-contained self-powered systems, it became imperative
to develop a check list to ensure that camera controls, intervalometer settings, power set-ups and connections are appropriately set so I can sleep at night.
And by association you’ll sleep better too. A checklist takes on more importance the higher up and less accessible the installation location is.
To wit: The Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project currently under way at the Port of Long Beach, (POLB) is the type of assignment I’m talking about here…
The day has come when you (gulp), can’t put if off any longer. You need a professional head shot, an update or a brand new one. And you want it to be really good. You may not realize it but trust me you also want to experience a good time, enjoy a few laughs and gain insight into the process of crafting a professional level head shot. But don’t overlook the most important aspect…the delivered image must work for you. I certainly keep that in mind for you. FYI, the photograph above is a self-portrait. I don’t recommend the “Selfie” technique unless you’re knowledgeable in what to do.
In order to create better collaboration between creative and business types, I’ve put together this list of time lapse definitions with accompanying examples when appropriate. Although there exist some differences from the norm, for the most part these definitions are common and familiar within the time lapse and motion picture industries.
I hope you find this informative, invaluable and motivating enough to call me to discuss your pie-in-sky project. Hello? 818-422-0696…
The following definitions are common. If the definition is one I’ve come up with vs. what is commonly used, I’ll let you know with a • before the definition While there are some truisms, rules are made to be adapted by the creator and that’s part of what you’re buying from a professional time lapse director/producer/photographer: a willingness to jump off the deep end for the sake of the project.
In the interest of furthering overall knowledge about the process of making short time lapse films (or narratives as I like to call them), the 3 distinct phases of production…
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