I was asked to teach PHO205, the intermediate location lighting class for the Visual Journalism program at Brooks Institutes’ Ventura campus. I taught continuously from May, 2003 until the end of February of 2008. Low enrollment numbers meant some adjunct faculty were not offered classes to teach.
Originally hired as the Photoshop Guru for the Ventura campus, my duties evolved into working with lower division students to help them understand in-camera reflective metering, color temperature theory, additive and subtractive color theory, ttl flash and manual flash. And of course a bit of Photoshop here and there.
I figured the time off would give me time to finish my book, redo my website start this blog and rebuild my Los Angeles based business. Which it did. I also hooked up with studioarts.com as one of their Photoshop experts. Life is good. The world isn’t so hot.
I’m fortunate to have what I have and continue to appreciate my life in new ways. In addition to running the PHO205 class again in Ventura, I am also sitting in on a class in Santa Barbara. Called Digital Fusion it is about digital color correction, color management and CMYK conversions and printing. At the end of the course each student will end up with 700 high-end professional promo pieces of their own design.
How cool it that? There may be room on the press for yours truly to get in on the action. Say what you will about Brooks but I like the place. I am well compensated for my efforts, some good people work there and of course the students. The best is receiving unsolicited emails from past students who have embraced the lessons of my classes and applied them successfully. Getting hugs from grateful current students and phone calls asking for help always make it a great day for me.
Glad to be back.
David Litschel
19 Jul 2008Michael
Nice that you enjoy your work at Brooks Institute. You certainly do a good job!